Project Summary

UB's Engineering Machine Shop offers a one credit course for six students to learn essential machine shop skills by taking some aluminum stock and turning it into a hammer. I was incredibly lucky to have been able to take this course, and the instructor, Xinnan Peng, is probably the most helpful and patient instructor I've ever had. We learned quite a bit about the Lathe and the Mill, including a ton of different operations and quirks about operating the machines.

I wish I had taken more pictures of the process but the class was pretty fast paced and generally you should absolutely not be on your phone in a shop environment.

We used two different pieces of stock. The handle was a piece of rod stock that we primarily machined on the lathe. The hammer head itself was a piece of bar stock that we primarily machined on the mill.


This is the final result! Just a cool display hammer. I've been meaning to make some kind of display stand for this for a while but my 3D Printer is out of order, at least for at least the near future. Maybe I'll make something nice out of scrap.