Project Summary

This website is a personal project I've undertaken to better define myself as an engineering student, and highlight some of my achievements. It's also been a fun opportunity to learn html and css, which I accomplished by working through this youtube series, and through online references like this and this. If you have any experience with cascading or procedural programming in any language, you're already in the right mindset.

This has been a constant work in progress, and time consuming at that, but I really enjoy the control I have over the design that I wouldn't have had had I used some website building software.

Design Summary

The entire website was written in html and css within the Sublime 3 text editor. Each page is about 200 lines of html, while the styling page is about 600 lines of css, although styling is also partially done through the use of some bootstrap 4 classes, which are publicly available, pre-designed elements. Each page is optimized for as many screen sizes as possible using the responsive web developer tools available in Firefox, with preset designs for several different ranges of screen size, from smart phones to television sets.

The full files for this website can be found on my GitHub page, and they should be up to date!


I'm very satisfied with my work here, this has easily been the most time consuming project of my life. I realize my styling sheet is fairly inefficient, and going forward I plan to streamline it heavily by doing a comparatively negligible amount of styling within the html files. Further down the line I also intend to replace the bootstrap 4 elements, including the 'contact me' modal, and the cards that make up these individual project pages, with my own components. Bootstrap classes help cut down development time, but I prefer the extra freedom that accompanies using my own.

Ultimately I plan on learning javascript to exert even greater control over my website, but in the meantime I've found Brython, which interprets python code for browsers, and will allow myself to play around a bit with animations, games, and dynamic elements.